- After surgery, a sore throat and earache on swallowing are to be expected. Encouraging fluids will help speed recovery from pain.
- Taking liquids is most important for the elimination of throat pain. A mild elevation of temperature usually means the patient is not taking enough liquids.
- Pain medication may be taken as needed. Tylenol® elixir, Tylenol® chewable, or Tylenol® with codeine elixir is recommended for pain. You will receive a prescription for Tylenol with codeine elixir if appropriate for the child's age. DO NOT USE ASPIRIN, ASPERGUM®, ADVIL®, MOTRIN® OR SIMILAR MEDICATIONS UNLESS DIRECTED TO DO SO BY YOUR PHYSICIAN.
- Call our office at 913-764-2737 if child has a temperature elevation of 101º F or greater in the first 48 hours or persistent vomiting. For temperature elevation after 48 hours or development of a cough, call your pediatrician or primary care physician.
- Encourage liquids.
- No restrictions in diet.
- The day of surgery, motor skills may be impaired.
- Normal activities may be resumed the day after surgery.
- Children may return to school within 1 to 2 days.